When Is Going No Contact With Your Mom A Good Idea? | Episode 19
When you feel like being around your mom is no longer an option. What do you do? There is no need for guilt if there is danger around you concerning your mother. You can still love your mother if she is not in your life.
I had a member in my Facebook group ask this question a while back, and it bears talking about it. For as much as we would love to wrap a nice little bow around healing and forgiveness when it comes to our mothers, I don't believe it is healthy or possible sometimes. I have heard some gruesome stories of mothers that are so mentally ill, still walking around living life, but really not healthy or safe. However, if you asked in a good Christian community group, the answer most times would be “ask God to bring your mom back to you and you can both forgive all, He can make it happen.”
I believe a part of that.
He can heal all and have us forgive all. But that only works if both parties are healthy and ready for change.
There are some questions I want you to ask yourself if you think going no contact with your mom is the best choice for you:
If the situation is physically or very emotionally dangerous, it’s time for no contact
If there is any way to set a boundary, to protect yourself when things get too scary
Who can you reach out to when you just need to vent; to help make better decisions, someone who will listen but not fix?
Always follow the Holy Spirit's promptings; He will guide you. You will know in your gut if it’s dangerous and time for no contact!
Be safe first!
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*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist or counselor.