Don’t Hold Shame When Your Siblings Question Why You Have Outgrown Your Past | Episode 18
Have you ever had a sibling or close relative get jealous because you suddenly have a life change for the better? It’s almost inevitable that when you finally break free from your past “scarcity” mindset, you will get pushback from those who have remained the same.
Remember who you are and where God has placed you. You are not tied to every person in your family forever and ever. Amen. You are meant for more. So are they. If they are willing to step out of the comfortable/everyday things they have settled into they can begin to see that things can be different.
I had the moment when I realized that I had become different from my childhood family. After going through that I asked myself:
Do you hold back from your dreams and desires because other people in your family don’t have what you have?
Can you create a positive mindset of listening to God’s prompting to help you have a better life?
Do you self-sabotage in this area to please others? If you do, please stop. You are helping no one.
And speaking of help; when it is appreciated, do you share the things you can to help others in your family? Do they see how your abundance can be a blessing in all of your lives?
Write down the reasons why you don’t want to stay in the place you are currently if it is not good. If it is good, write down all the things/ways you can help others with the blessings God has given you.
Stop feeling Guilty! If God wants to use you for different things in different areas, in different statuses, listen to that and keep going! Don’t let the jealousy or small mindset of people stop you!
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*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist or counselor.