Do Your Past Traumas Affect Your Kids Growing Up? | Season 2 Episode 66


Even in the best of families, we have a tendency to put our opinions or traumas onto our children. 

We have patterns of behavior that can be instilled in them and when they grow up, they might recognize it’s not healthy, or they might end up with the same traumas themselves. How do we break this pattern off? 

I realized that I had unconsciously done something wrong as I watched my daughter experience some unknown fear with great exaggeration and I immediately realized she had learned that awful behavior from me! 

Always remember that your children, little or grown up respect and love you. We are the ones that are doing something new for the generations so it is all new. 

We set the tone and standards. 

Do things that will set a peaceful pace for families that will last a long time. 

We are going to make mistakes, that’s human. What is different is the ability to ask for forgiveness when we have passed something on that needs to be broken from us….and them.

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*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist or counselor.


Being Strong Does Not Mean You Are Emotionally Healed | Season 2 Episode 67


Feelings About Motherhood From A Mom Of 30+ Years | Season 2 Episode 65