What Does Preventative Mental Health For Our Children Look Like| Episode 25

How do we teach our children how to handle their feelings?

In this episode, I want to chat about our children and how to hone their own feelings when stress or anxiety sets in for them.

The questions I want you to walk away with today are:

  • When is a good time to discuss feelings with your kids?

  • What is age appropriate in talking about hard things?

  • What kind of things can we do to help them through these things?

I recently came across the documentary “American Tragedy” which was about the Columbine High School shooting. They interviewed one of the killers' mother; Sue Klebold. It broke my heart because we forget that everyone suffers in this situation.

We need to be better for our kids, so they don’t grow up not knowing how to process emotions and then rage and go off the deep end and hurt others. There is no doubt that what those boys did was horrific, and it keeps happening at a fast pace. So the question becomes “What can we do for these children now to change the narrative of evil?” 

If I had a teacher at a young age to really help me process feelings, maybe I could have shared what was really going on in my home and gotten help. Of course I came from a different time and generation, but I can guarantee you that I am always conscious of my grandchildren's emotions. I will be committed to paying attention to subtle clues and keeping communication open. 

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*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist or counselor.


What Do You Do When It’s Time To Take Care Of Your Mom? | Episode 26


How Do You Tell Your Story To Your Significant Other’s Parents? | Episode 24