How To Recognize Red Flags When You’ve Grown Up In Trauma | Season 2 Episode 63


Over the years, I’ve learned to always help yourself first when coming out of a trauma filled family or relationship. It’s imperative that you are healthy first before you allow someone into your life. 

Also, never feel embarrassed if you have allowed someone to take advantage of you. We always think we can “fix” others because a lot of the time, we have had to do this in our childhoods. We have big hearts, there is nothing wrong with this, except to say, give your heart to the person who is worthy of it. 

This may be a good time to seek out therapy OR  if you are ready to take a step forward and just need someone to come alongside you, this is where coaching can be a beautiful partnership! 

I love helping women find their stride in life. Having someone be your true cheerleader may be the only push you need to help you start growing more confident in thinking in a new way and knowing that God will help you out of any hard situation!

We are hosting a giveaway! We are giving away one of these cute hats that say the name of my coaching program ‘Patience and Grace’ and my book “Unmothered” to one lucky winner!

Here is what you need to do…

✨ Leave a review for my podcast ‘The UnMothered Podcast’ on Apple Podcasts and take a screenshot of it before you press ‘submit’

✨Send me the photo via DM or leave your IG handle on the review so we can get in touch with you

The giveaway starts Thursday, May 2nd, and goes until Friday, May 10th! The winner will be chosen and contacted on Monday, May 13th. DM me if you have any questions💕

Looking to connect with other UnMothered’s? Join the PRIVATE Facebook Group:

This podcast is on YouTube now! Go watch this episode:

Purchase a signed copy of my book:

The UnMothered Podcast IG:

Phylis Mantelli’s IG:

*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist or counselor.


Faith, Safety, And True Crime: A Conversation With Lori Morrison | Season 2 Episode 64


Are You The ‘Black Sheep’ Of The Family Or The Truth-Teller? | Season 2 Episode 62