How To Know If You Need A Mama Mentor |Episode 11

How do we know if we need a mentor and how we can find one that we trust? This is a tricky proposition and one you can’t take lightly. It must be thought out and seek someone you can trust with your heart. Let’s walk through the ways you can find the right woman to help you with issues we should be able to go to our moms with, but someone that can step in and fill those shoes for a bit.

How many times have you wished you could pick up the phone and call your mom? Or drive over and have coffee or breakfast with her and pour out all your struggles or just need advice? Then, the reality sets in that we don’t have those kinds of moms! However, that shouldn’t stop us from learning and being nurtured by other older moms that we admire and respect. We need to learn from other moms that have gone before us. We are not alone and we can partner with a “mama-like” woman and learn the lessons she has walked through already.

Some questions that we cover today are:

  • Why do you need a mama mentor?

  • How do you find them?

  • When do you know it’s safe to open up your heart to them?

  • When is it time to do it on your own again?

Learning to partner with another only brings more blessings to our family. Start today by asking for help from someone you admire or see if there is a mentorship program at your local church.

Don’t do motherhood alone, reach out to friends too, and let God bless you with a village of “mama mentors!”

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*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist or counselor.


What It Feels Like Sharing Your Hard Story | Episode 13


Are You Afraid Of Success? How To Start Living The Life That You Dream And Desire | Episode 10