How Can You Identify And Tolerate Having A Narcissistic Mom? | Episode 35

Most women don’t even acknowledge that their mom is a narcissist or may be toxic. 

In order to start your healing journey, you have to NAME the pain that has been done to you in your childhood. 

And I want to note, that I’m not giving out professional advice! Apart from being a certified coach, I am not a doctor or therapist, so please take this as my personal opinion and as my own personal experience in this matter.

However, I have studied ways to recognize if your mom may be a narcissist:

  • She has to have everything perfect and nothing is ever her fault. 

  • They will find fault in you over and over though.

  • They don’t live in reality. They live in “their” world as they know it. 

  • They always minimize the experience. 


Many times we make excuses for our moms because it is too painful to admit they are flawed, or we feel like a bad daughter if we say something derogatory. This doesn’t help the situation and it won’t make it different by you ignoring it.

The definition of madness is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result. Your mom is who she is, and you need to find out who you are and what you need and desire in this relationship. 

There is no reasoning with them, so just remember to not play along with their games.

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*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist or counselor.


When The Root of the Problem Still Remains, How Can You Do The Deep Work? | Episode 36


When Does Helping Become Enabling & How Many Times Do You Save Your Mom? | Episode 34