6 Ways To Calm Yourself When Triggers Arise | Episode 4

In last week's episode, we talked about the different traumas and triggers you may face when dealing with a toxic past. I want to give you 6 of my favorite tips on how to calm your body when stressed or when something starts to trigger you. I always say that your body holds onto your trauma, so you need to care for it when it starts to feel distressed!

  1. Breathe

  2. Take a Walk or Exercise

  3. Set The Mood That Calms You

  4. Feel Your Feet

  5. Bubble Bath

  6. Journal and Prayer

These are just some ways that I stay in the now of the moment and not be triggered by my past, or if I am triggered what helps me calm my mind and body down? I have learned how to ground myself with help from different experts. Now I know how to handle these hard situations and be kind to my body and mind.

*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist or counselor.

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