5 Tips On How To Handle The Holidays So You Don't Stress | Episode 6
If I’m being honest, the holidays are not my favorite time of year. I only had memories of my parents physically and verbally fighting when I was little. Then my mom continued to do harm to anyone she was with and would turn her wrath on us kids.
It took many years and some really great kids of mine to help me relax and enjoy the beauty of the holidays. I still have some hard spots in it, but now with grandkids, I feel reborn to enjoy and see the togetherness for what it is...gratefulness for family.
Over the years, I’ve learned 5 steps that help me handle the holidays so I don’t stress out over them:
-Ask for help
-Make a list of what you are cooking and what you need to do around the house before everyone comes over
-Order a pre-made meal if you are not a cook. No shame in getting the meal delivered either!
-If you are a guest, ask what you can bring and help out where you can
-Sit someone apart from that person that bugs you the most
Lastly, put an end time of when you need to leave for your own sanity. I hope these tips help you out with the holiday season! If you have any other tips, send me a message on my Instagram, I’d love to connect.
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*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist or counselor.