A Popular Question I Get, Why Do I Write?
"When is your second book going to be done?" "Will your book be out next year?".... These are the questions I am asked on a daily basis. Believe me, I want to answer that question myself all the time. And then I laugh because writing this next book is as hard as the first one! A writer's work is never really done, AND some of us are "speakers who write" instead of "writer's who have to speak". You see, I am such a storyteller in person; I love sharing my faith journey on a stage. It has made me the most nervous and the most exhilarated and where I feel the most connected to what God wants me to do, however, once I am done, women come up to me and want to continue the conversation and I just can't do that with everyone and this is where the book will help.
Hi, I’m Phylis Mantelli
I’m an author, speaker, and life coach to unmothered women based in the Bay Area of California. On this blog, you will read about encouragement, family life, coaching, and my podcast. Learn more about me.
We all need a platform and a following to start our journey. When and if you decide to go with a publisher, publicist, etc. they will want to see if there is a purpose for your book. Unless you have a desire to speak about your life and put it in book form, you really don't know the feeling of writing, crying, rewrites, starting over, being your own worst critic and finally....showing your work to someone else. Many times I have heard “your hard story is your calling.” For me I truly believe that now. God didn’t put just one book in my head and heart; there are several swirling around. I have a passion to get these things out of my head and onto paper and in person sitting with others. My calling is clearly written out for me by the great Creator.
This second book will be done when God tells me I’m ready. It never gets easier, but the process is so exciting and ordained. I can’t imagine doing anything else but this for the rest of my life. So the journey continues… have you found your calling yet?
I love this quote I got from prior QVC host Lisa Robertson posted today:
"She was unstoppable not because she didn't have any failures or doubts but because she continued on despite them."